Sree Anjaneya  Navagraha Dampathi Temple is dedicated to Anjaneya (Hanuman), Navagraha Dampathi and Lord Ganapathi. Temple is situated in Temple city – Haripad  and  is next to Sree Subramanyaswamy Temple and on the way to Mannarassala Nagaraja Temple. The Temple was dedicated to the devotees  with Prathishta Kumbabhisekom on 22-May-2002 by the grace of Almighty.

അസാധ്യ സാധക സ്വാമിൻ

അസാധ്യം തവ കിം വദ

ശ്രീരാമ ദൂത കൃപാ സിന്ധോ

മത് കാര്യം സാധയ പ്രഭോ


നമഃ സൂര്യായ സോമായ മംഗളായ ബുധായച

ഗുരു ശുക്ര ശനിഭ്യച്ച രാഹവേ കേതവേ നമഃ
